Your treatment options

What are the treatment options?

Your healthcare professional will determine the best treatment for you based on how severe your psoriasis is.

Treatment options could include:

Topical treatments including creams, ointments and gels that are applied directly to the skin.3
Phototherapy which uses ultraviolet light - the same UVA and IJVB rays the sun gives off naturally - to help slow the production of new skin cells.3

Systemic treatments including prescription treatments such as oral medications or injections. These types of treatments are categorised in two ways:

Standard treatments including prescription medicines which are suitable for those with varying degrees of psoriasis or psoriatic disease, that work to reduce the immune system's activity, while some affect how skin cells behave.25.26

Biologic treatments which block the action of specific immune cells or chemical messengers that are known to play a role in psoriasis.26

Your healthcare professional will be able provide information on any of these treatment options including possible side effects, the costs involved, how long you might be on them and whether you have other health concerns.26

What should I ask my healthcare professional about treatment?

With your treatment goal defined, there are several questions you may want to ask your healthcare professional at your next appointment to help you achieve that goal, including:

  • Why are you recommending this treatment?
  • What sort of response/s might I expect?
  • What sort of side effects might occur?
  • What are the costs associated with this treatment?
  • How much time will this treatment take out of my day?
  • How do I take this treatment?
  • Is there any other information or support services for this treatment available?
  • What are my options if this treatment doesn't work?